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Minder is a pill management system aimed at people that take several meds daily. The hub will automatically sort and store pills while dosing in the bracelet the daily prescription to be taken by the patient. Once placed on the user's wrist, the bracelet vibrates and emits light when the time of taking each med arrives.

Minder is a system that consists of two accessories, a “HUB” where all the pills that the patient needs to take and a “COMPANION” bracelet are stored, inside which the daily doses to be taken by the user are stored.

How does it work?

The user pours the tablets inside the upper part of the HUB, the cone that receives them, channels them to readers that identify and manage each tablet by its code, size and color. Once the tablet is identified, it is distributed by type of medication within each of the 24 storage columns. These columns are part of a “carousel” that rotates on a vertical axis in both directions to position the desired tablet on the dosage area towards the bracelet.

The bracelet is placed in the front area of ​​the “HUB” around a disc, which rotates 360 ° to receive a tablet in each of the 12 boxes that have the bracelet. This in turn is programmed based on the recipe sent by the doctor and once placed on the wrist of the user, vibrates and emits light every time the time of the taking of each medication arrives. It records the time at which each medication was taken and if the user does not take his dose, he issues an alert to the person in charge of the patient to remind him that he has not taken the dose of that schedule.


Mobile application for interaction with the HUB

finishes and colors


Design process

3D printing


Developed At NOS
Role: Industrial Designer
Sketching, CAD modeling (Inventor professional) and renderings (Keyshot).
Status: Prototype
Date: 2019

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